인증지도실적 1위, 중소벤처기업부, 산업통상자원부 등록 컨설팅기관
인증지도실적 1위, 중소벤처기업부, 산업통상자원부 등록 컨설팅기관
VDA 6.3 감사(평가) 지도 내용(13MD)
-1일차 VDA 6.3 공정심사 목적 및 필요성/IATF 16949 시스템 심사와의 차이점 파악
-2일차 VDA 6.3 공정심사 소개 및 감사활동의 기본 사항
-3일차 프로세스 접근법 및 리스크 식별
-4일차 VDA에서 사용되는 평가기준 및 평가 등급 교육
-5일차 P2 프로젝트 관리 심사 대응
Is a project management established with a project organisation? |
Are all resources required for the project implementation planned and available and are changes reported? |
Is there a project plan and has this been agreed with the customer? |
Is the advanced product quality planning implemented within the project and monitored for compliance? |
Are the procurement activities of the project implemented and monitored for compliance? |
Is change management within the project ensured by the project organisation? |
Is there an escalation process established and is this effectively implemented? |
-6일차 P3 제품 및 프로세스 개발 계획
Are the specific product and process requirements available? |
Is the feasibility comprehensively evaluated according to the product and process requirements?* |
Are the activities for the product and process development planned in detail? |
Are the activities planned for customer care / customer satisfaction / customer service and field failure analysis? |
Have the necessary resources been taken into account for the product and process development? |
-7일차 P4 제품 및 프로세스 개발 실행
Are the actions from the product and process development plans implemented? |
Are personnel resources available and are they qualified to ensure the start of the serial production? |
Are the material resources available and suitable to ensure the start of the serial prodiction? |
Are the required approvals and releases for the product and process development available? |
Are the manufacturing and inspection specifications derived from the product and process development and are they implemented? |
Is a performance test carried out under series conditions for the series release? |
Are the processes established for securing customer care / customer satisfaction / customer service as well as the field failure analysis? |
Is there a controlled method for the product handover from development to serial production? |
-8일차 P5 공급업체 관리 : 외주부품 공급사 관리 및 입고자재 관리의 핵심 사항
Are only approved and quality capable suppliers selected? |
Are the customer's requirements taken into account in the supply chain? |
Have target agreements for delivery performance been agreed with suppliers and implemented? |
Are the necessary approvals/releases available for the outsourced products and services? |
Is the quality of the outsourced products and services ensured? |
Are incoming goods stored appropriately? |
Are personnel qualified for the various tasks and are responsibilities defined? |
-9일차 P6 공정분석 및 생산 – 자재투입 및 공정 운영
공정 내 자재 물류 및 공정작업 관리의 핵심 사항
-10일차 P6 공정분석 및 생산 – 물적자원 및 인적 자원
설비보전/게이지 관리 및 작업자 훈련의 핵심 사항
-11일차 P6 공정분석 및 생산 – 공정지표 및 제품 출하
공정지표/문제해결 관리 및 자재 출하관리의 핵심 사항
Has the project been transferred from development to serial production and is a reliable start guaranteed? |
Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the agreed upon time and at the correct storage location / work-station? |
Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials ? |
Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials ? |
Are changes to the product or process made during the serial production tracked and documented? |
Are the specifications of the control plan complete and have they been effectively implemented? |
Does a repeat release for the restart of production take place? |
Are special characteristics managed in the production? |
Are non-released and/or defective parts managed? |
Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? |
Are the employees able to fulfil their given tasks? |
Do the employees know their responsibilities and authority in the monitoring of the quality of product and process quality? |
Are the necessary personnel resources available? |
Can the product-specific requirements from the customer be met with the manufacturing equipment? |
Is the maintenance of the manufacturing equipment and tools controlled? |
Can the quality requirements be effectively monitored with the measurement and test facilities in use? |
Are the work and inspection stations appropriate for the needs? |
Are tools, equipment and test equipment stored properly? |
Are there targets set for the manufacturing process? |
Is quality and process data collected in a way that allows analysis? |
In the case of deviations from product and process requirements, are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? |
Are processes and products audited regularly? |
Do the quantities / production batch sizes meet the needs and are they systematically directed to the next process step? |
Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? |
Are the necessary records / releases retained? |
Are customer requirements met at the delivery of the final product? |
-12일차 P6 고객만족 및 지원 : 고객 서비스/공급 보증 및 고객 불만족 처리의 핵심 사항
Are all requirements related to QM-System, product and process fulfilled? |
Is customer service guaranteed? |
Is the supply of parts guaranteed? |
If there are deviations from quality requirements or complaints, are failure analyses carried out and corrective actions implemented effectively? |
Are personnel qualified for their respective tasks and are responsibilities defined? |
-13일차 심사 사후 관리 : 심사결과 파악 및 부적합 사항에 대한 후속 조치
총 13일차 1300만원 NEGO 300만원
# 지도금액 : 1,000만원
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