System Certification

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FSSC 22000


  • Standard name : Food Safety System Certification - Requirements for all organizations in the food supply chain
  • ­FSSC 22000 = ISO 22000 + Pre Requisite Programmes (PRPs) + FSSC Additional Requirements
  • Group standards established by multinational food manufacturers and distributors (Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Costco, etc.)
  • Standards considering technical matters for PRPs by industry (food manufacturing, packaging, distribution, feed, etc.)
  • Standards recognized by GFSI under the International Consumer Forum (ISO 22000 and PAS 220 alone are not approved for GFSI)


FSSC 22000 components

FSSC 22000 components

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Background of introducing FSSC 22000

1. Problems with the existing food safety system

  • HACCP focuses on site-oriented risk management and is limited to risk factor management → Weak management system function
  • Limitations of a systematic approach to performance management and the continuous improvement program

2. Need for international standards

As trade between countries increases, the need for food safety standards integration is growing.

3. Growing need for and scope of food supply chain management

Management of the entire supply chain is required to ensure food safety and prevent food hazards (e.g. raw materials, packaging, equipment, distribution, sanitation services, drugs, etc.).

4. Increasing consumer awareness

More emphasis on safety, consistency of quality, and value for money.

Necessity of FSSC 22000

1. Need for certification

  • Demonstrate factor management capabilities to ensure food safety at the point of consumption.
  • Implement the system for the continued supply of safe products.

2. Utilizing the certification

  • Plan, implement, operate, maintain and update FSMS for the purpose of providing safe products to consumers.
  • Demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements.
  • Determine, evaluate, and demonstrate customer requirements to promote customer satisfaction and food safety.
  • Effectively communicate food safety issues within the food chain.
  • Ensure compliance with food safety policies established by the organization, and demonstrate to stakeholders.

3. Eligible for certification

  • Directly relevant entities : Farmers, feed companies, raw material producers, food businesses, wholesalers and retailers, caterers, food service companies, transportation, storage and distribution services, etc.
  • Indirectly relevant entities : Suppliers of equipment, cleaning disinfectants, packaging materials and other food contact materials, etc.

FSSC 22000 food supply chain image

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Future direction of FSSC 22000

1. Increased utility as a food supplier management tool

  • Post management of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) led by international certification agencies and government-led HACCP is difficult.
  • Large food companies and distributors are expected to adopt FSSC 22000 to establish a food supply chain food safety management system (increasing influence of distributors).

2. Increased awareness regarding the importance of overall food chain management in the center of individual business site management

  • Managing changes, communication, verification, etc.
  • As it targets the entire food supply chain, FSSC 22000 will spread to related industries from primary producers such as grain and feed to packaging companies, equipment companies, transport companies, warehouse companies, food retailers, etc.

3. Expected to become a universal certification standard in the food sector

  • One-stop service for generalized food standards by preventing duplicate certification of various standards by field and customer.
  • FSSC 22000 is expected to acquire certification as part of export and international credibility improvement of food companies.

4. Food Safe System → Total Food Safe Management System

Food Safe System → Total Food Safe Management System

5. In the future, the government is expected to lead the way in converging the HACCP system, and food industry certification by the existing ISO certification body will converge to FSSC 22000

Features of FSSC 22000

1. Objectives

  1. 1. Facilitate the international harmonization of food safety management requirements for businesses within the food supply chain.
  2. 2. Deliver safe food to the final consumer through communication between customers and suppliers based on information created through systematic hazard analysis.
  3. 3. Facilitate the dynamic integration of HACCP systems and PRPs.
  4. 4. Clarify PRPs (infrastructure and maintenance programs and operational prerequisite programs).
  5. 5. Integrate PRPs and HACCP plans for the effective production of safe products.
  6. 6. Develop audit specifications to facilitate the identification, monitoring, management and application of periodic renewal requirements for PRPs and HACCP plans.

2. ISO 22000 vs FSSC 22000

Sort ISO 22000 FSSC 22000
Applicable standard KS Q ISO 22000 : 2009 / ISO 22000 : 2005 FSSC 22000 : Food-Ver3 : 2013
Basic requirements
  • 1. Mutual communication
  • 2. System management (process approach, KPI)
  • 3. Prerequisite program
  • 4. HACCP principles

ISO 22000 Requirements + Industry-specific PRPs (ISO 22002-1: 2011, ISO 22002-4, etc.) + FSSC additional requirements

  • 1. Specifications of outsourced services (utilities, transportation, maintenance, etc.)
  • 2. Supervision of personnel
  • 3. Specific legal requirements
  • 4. Review of notification or non-notifications
  • 5. Management of inputs (ISO 17025)
Certification Any certification body registered under the national accreditation body in any country can be certified. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a non-profit organization that governs accreditation organizations. As such, certification organizations cannot easily participate.

FSSC 22000 model

FSSC 22000 model

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Expected impact of FSSC 22000

  1. 1. Boost competitiveness by meeting customer needs and international standard requirements.
  2. 2. Enhance export competitiveness by actively preparing for changes in the international environment.
  3. 3. Secure consumer trust through internal and external image improvement and promotional effects.
  4. 4. Improve work efficiency and management ability, and secure food safety through science in advance by re-establishing process, preventing quality failures, and providing economic benefits.
  5. 5. Ensure effective supplier management by providing stakeholders with opportunities to secure and select safe food through safe production, manufacturing, and distribution.
  6. 6. Ensure transparency and identify potential hazards throughout the food supply chain.
  7. 7. Communicate requirements for each product from each process in the food supply chain.
  8. 8. Maximize synergies through continuous improvement of food safety and performance.

FSSC 22000 certification audit process

1. FSSC 22000 certification process

FSSC 22000 certification process

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2. FSSC 22000 certification procedure

1) Stage 1 audit
  • Audit purpose: Examine the readiness of the organization
  • FSSC 22000-Food Ver3.2: 2015 system document organization chart, certification scope, HA analysis, CCP decision, HACCP plan, FSSC related laws, FSSC policy, goal, KPI plan/performance by department, personal hygiene management, FSSC qualification standard, FSSC Documentation (M,P,I), PRPs program, FSSC additional requirements, etc.
  • Level 1 nonconformities must be corrected prior to level 2 audit
2) Stage 2 audit
  • Audit purpose : Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the food safety management system.
  • For nonconformities, corrective actions must be completed within 30 days to be recommended for certification to the certification body.